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Asset Maintenance allows you to Create and Edit values for an asset.

The following are important notes:

  1. COST - This is the original cost of the asset. Cost amounts can be changed only if the asset has no Depreciation or Activity transactions against it.
  2. PLACED in SERVICE Date is used by the system to define the depreciation schedules. The acquired date is only useful for identifying the date the asset was received.
  3. GL INTEGRATION - If you enable this field, Journals will be created in the General Ledger system for this asset.
  4. You may VOID an asset you create it by mistake. Only assets that have no transactions against them can be voided. Use Asset Activity to dispose of an asset that has transactions against it. 


  1. The Asset Grid displays the current assets. The Assets may be sorted on any of the fields by clicking on the grid header row. For example, if you want to see the assets in order by Date click on the grid header  'DATE'. The Assets will then be re-sorted by date. If you want disposals to be included in the list, check the Disposals box at the top of the screen.

  2. The Asset grid can also be grouped by selecting and dragging the column you wish to sort data by. For example, drag the Classification column and drop where it says " Drag a column header here to group by that column" to group the Asset grid view by classification:

  3. Click on the  to view the grouped data by Classification.

  4. To find a specific Asset, enter a value in the Search/Filter field. For example, to search for all the assets acquired for a certain date: Select the icon to select criteria and then select the date. The database will refresh automatically and retrieve and display data in the grid for the selected criteria.

The above functionality is available in all the screens within the system